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Q: What is a cell that provides energy for another organism called?
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How energy moves from one organism to another?

How is energy moved from one organism to another? A.when one organism chases another organism, energy is movedB.when one organism is close by another organism, energy is movedC.when one organism touches another organism, energy is movedD.when one organism eats another organism, energy is moved

How is energy moved from one organism to another?

How is energy moved from one organism to another? A.when one organism chases another organism, energy is movedB.when one organism is close by another organism, energy is movedC.when one organism touches another organism, energy is movedD.when one organism eats another organism, energy is moved

What is an organism called that relies on another organism for its food and energy source?

i think it is a decomposer

How is energy transferred from one organism to another organism?

Energy is transferred from one organism to another in the form of sugars, which an organism breaks down for energy.

Describe how energy is transferred from one organism to another?

Each time one organism eats another organism, a transfer of energy occurs.

Is photosynthesis an organism?

Photosynthesis is not a organism. It is a process on plants. It provides energy for us.

What living thing provides energy for a virus or an organism?


Transfer of food energy from one source to another in stages is called what?

This is called a food chain. Food Chain- The moving of energy from one organism to another

What is a series of events in which one organism eats another and obtains energy called?

A Food chain

The passage of energy from one organism to another according to a particular feeding sequence is called a food chain?

No it is not

What must eat other organisms for food?

An organism that eats other organisms for energy are known as heterotrophs.

An organism that provides a source of energy or a suitable environment for a virus or for another organism to live?

A HOST is an organism that provides a source of energy for a virus or another organism. CREDIT FROM: NORTH CAROLINE 8TH GRADE PRENTICE HALL SCIENCE EXPLORER