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solar system

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Q: What is a central star with planets around it?
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In what type of solar system do planets travel around the sun?

That's the normal configuration - for planets to travel around their central star. If the planet would NOT move, it would quickly fall into the central star.That's the normal configuration - for planets to travel around their central star. If the planet would NOT move, it would quickly fall into the central star.That's the normal configuration - for planets to travel around their central star. If the planet would NOT move, it would quickly fall into the central star.That's the normal configuration - for planets to travel around their central star. If the planet would NOT move, it would quickly fall into the central star.

A group of planets revolving around a star is called?

Together with the central star, they form a solar system.

What is the solar sytem?

It's our system of a central star, the sun, and all of the planets, dwarf planets, rocks, moons and comets etc in orbit around it.

Do all the other planets orbit the sun?

Yes. Earth is one of eight planets in our solar system, all of which are in an orbit around our central star which we call the sun.

Is it true that a star with its orbiting planets is the solar system?

Yes, the solar system consists of a large central star (called the sun for our solar system), with planets that ore in orbit around it. There are other bodies in orbit around the sun also, such as minor planets, asteroids, comets, and other small objects.

What are the largest satellite bodies orbiting the central star?


Group of objects in space that move around a central star?

A solar system is a group of objects that orbit around a central star, such as planets, moons, asteroids, and comets. Our solar system, for example, includes the sun and all the celestial bodies that revolve around it.

What is a group of planets and their moons that orbit a central star?

A group of planets moving around a star is called a solar system. Planets outside our solar system are called exoplanets. Despite the difficulty of detection, many hundreds have been discovered recently, orbiting other stars.

Why are moons and planets different?

Planets are bodies that orbit a central star (in our case, the Sun), and moons are smaller bodies that orbit planets.

What planets go round the stars?

All 8 planets in our solar system rotate around a star, our sun. Virtually all planets rotate around a star.

Do the outer planets circle the inner planets?

All planets circle the CEntral Star. So in a way outer planets almost circle inner planets but the Star is at one focus of the planets' orbits so it is more proper to say that planets orbit stars.

How does the Kepler mission plan to detect Earthlike planets around other stars?

by observing the slight dip in brightness of the central star as the planet transits