

What is a championship?

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11y ago

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its like a belt but alot big

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11y ago
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Q: What is a championship?
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WWE Championship, World Heavyweight Championship, Intercontental Championship, United States Championship, Cruiserweight Championship, WWE Tag Team Championship, World Tag Team Championship, Hardcore Championship, Womens Championship.

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What are the belts on RAW?

They are the WWE championship,Intercontinental championship,World tag team championship and the women's championship

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current championships: wwe championship wwe world championship wwe united states championship wwe tag team championship wwe world tag team championship wwe womens championship wwe divas championship retired championships: wwe hardcore championship wwe light weight championship wwe European championship wwe million dollar championship wcw cruiserweight championship wcw cruiserweight tag team championship wcw hardcore championship wcw television championship ecw championship ecw world tag team championship ecw ftw world championship ecw television championship ecw Maryland championship ecw Pennsylvania championship all together 21 championships

How many championchips is in the WWE?

1.WWE Championship 2.Tag Team World Championship 3.Tag Team WWE Championship 4.i-c Championship 5.Womeans Championship 6.Diva Championship 7.HW. Championship There is 7 Championship belts in the WWE right now!!

What titles were in ecw in the 90's?

ecw world heavyweight championship ecw tag team championship ecw ftw championship ecw television championship ecw Maryland championship ecw Pennsylvania championship

Is the Intercontinental Championship higher ranked than the US Championship?

The Intercontinental Championship is higher ranked than the US Championship.

What does BCS stand for national championship?

Bowl championship Series

What type of noun is championship?

The word championship can be an adjective or a noun. If you are referring to going to see "the championship," then it would be a noun, but if you are talking about the "championship team," then it would be an adjective, describing the noun team.