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A change in velocity due to a change in direction can occur when an object changes its direction of motion, even if its speed remains constant. A change in velocity due to a change in speed occurs when an object either accelerates or decelerates, resulting in a change in its speed.

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Q: What is a change in velocity due to a in direction or speed?
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Does change in the velocity of an object always indicate a change in speed?

No, a change in velocity can also be due to a change in direction even if the speed remains constant. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction, so changes in either component can result in a change in velocity.

How can the velocity of an object change if the speed doesn't?

The velocity of an object can change if its direction changes, even if the speed remains constant. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction, so any change in direction will result in a change in velocity.

Why is an object traveling at a constant speed but turning left said to be accelerating?

Even though the speed is constant, the object's direction is changing which means its velocity is changing. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, not just speed, so an object turning left is accelerating due to the change in its velocity.

Does a change in direction affect velocity explain?

Yes, a change in direction does affect velocity because velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. When an object changes direction, its velocity changes even if its speed remains constant. This change in velocity indicates a change in the object's motion.

What causes a spaceshuttle to change in velocity by change in direction?

A change in velocity due to a change in direction in a space shuttle is caused by the application of thrust from its engines. By adjusting the direction of thrust, the shuttle can alter its velocity vector, changing its speed and/or direction of travel. This allows the shuttle to adjust its course, orbit, or perform maneuvers in space.

Related questions

Does change in the velocity of an object always indicate a change in speed?

No, a change in velocity can also be due to a change in direction even if the speed remains constant. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction, so changes in either component can result in a change in velocity.

How can the velocity of an object change if the speed doesn't?

The velocity of an object can change if its direction changes, even if the speed remains constant. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction, so any change in direction will result in a change in velocity.

Why is an object traveling at a constant speed but turning left said to be accelerating?

Even though the speed is constant, the object's direction is changing which means its velocity is changing. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, not just speed, so an object turning left is accelerating due to the change in its velocity.

Does a change in direction affect velocity explain?

Yes, a change in direction does affect velocity because velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. When an object changes direction, its velocity changes even if its speed remains constant. This change in velocity indicates a change in the object's motion.

What causes a spaceshuttle to change in velocity by change in direction?

A change in velocity due to a change in direction in a space shuttle is caused by the application of thrust from its engines. By adjusting the direction of thrust, the shuttle can alter its velocity vector, changing its speed and/or direction of travel. This allows the shuttle to adjust its course, orbit, or perform maneuvers in space.

Why at a constant speed if an object changes its direction it is considered to be acceleration?

Acceleration is defined as any change in velocity, which includes changes in speed, direction, or both. When an object changes its direction while moving at a constant speed, it is still accelerating because its velocity is changing due to the change in direction. This change in velocity, even if the speed remains constant, is what defines it as acceleration.

How does a change in speed change velocity?

due to acceleration the speed and velocity will change automatically

Can a bus change the direction of its velocity when traveling with a constant acceleration?

Yes, a bus can change the direction of its velocity while traveling with a constant acceleration. This change in velocity is due to the vector nature of acceleration, which can cause the bus to turn or change its direction even if its speed remains constant.

What determines on object's velocity?

An object's velocity is determined by its speed and direction of motion. It is a vector quantity that combines the magnitude of the speed and the direction of travel. Velocity can change due to forces acting upon the object, such as gravity, friction, or propulsion.

When does the velocity of an object change?

The velocity of an object changes when there is a change in its speed, direction, or both. This can occur due to external forces acting on the object, such as acceleration or deceleration, causing the velocity to increase or decrease.

Why is velocity changing?

Velocity can change due to a change in speed or direction of an object. It can also change if there is a force acting on the object, causing it to accelerate or decelerate. In simpler terms, velocity changes when an object speeds up, slows down, or changes direction.

Which example describes constant acceration due only to a change in direction?

A car moving in a circle at a constant speed is an example of constant acceleration due to a change in direction. While the car's speed remains the same, its velocity is changing because it is continuously changing direction as it moves around the circle.