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Q: What is a character function in SQL?
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What is th function of the charindex?

The CHARINDEX function in SQL is used to find the position of a specific character or substring within a string. It returns the starting position of the substring or character within the given string.

In SQL what is the function of the union operator?

In SQL, the function of the union operator is to combine the result of two or more select-statements. The union operator is a very useful tool when coding SQL.

How to define a user defined function in SQL?

Not possible in SQL, but possible in many vendor-specific SQL-based languages like Oracle PL/SQL.

What does the SQL Max function do?

The "SQL Max function" is a computer programming term, which can be used in spreadsheets to give the highest value from the currently selected column.

What is the function of SQL compare?

SQL compare is used to compare and synchronize data bases.It can be downloaded as a piece of software.Databases can be compared by SQL compare and synchronized.

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The function of an SQL server replication is to restrict the control that a user has. Limiting these possibilities ensures safety on networks and with untrusted users.

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What does the replace command perform in SQL?

The replace command function in SQL preforms comparisons on the collation of an input or inputs. It also replaces the text in a string of the SQL server.

What is the function of Microsoft SQL?

SQL is a relational database management system. The very first function of this software is to keep the data safe and retrieve it When it is asked by other software applications.

Difference between sql function and sql procedure?

Function is must be return the value but procedure cannot be returned, for more information please visit the link :

Does the LIKE option allow you to use wildcards on a SQL application?

"Yes you can use wildcards in the LIKE key word for SQL. The wildcard used here will will be the ""%"" character as opposed to the more familiar ""*"" character."

What sql function returns the numeric position of a named string?