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they have a large number of mitochondriaby PNG fans

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containing more mitochondrion?


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13y ago

A muscle cells requires a lot of energy, thus resulting in a large number of mitochondria, or the powerhouse of a cell.

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Q: What is a characteristic of body cells that require large amount of energy?
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Which characteristic of body cells require large amounts of energy?

Cellular Respiration. Your cells need energy in the form of glucose to produce ATP (usable energy)

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All of your cells require energy. Without energy you wouldn't be alive.

Why is the cell's concentration of mitochondria higher in certain cells?

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The amount of oxygen liver cells require to react lactic acid to produce glucose or the glycogen is the oxygen debt. Threshold stimulus is the minimal amount of energy required to contract a muscle fiber.

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for energy

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Simple diffusion and osmosis help maintain homeostasis in cells and do not require the cell to expend energy.

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Cells that require a lot of energy for daily activities, such as muscle cells.

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Galvanic cells run spontaneously and do not require any energy to run to completion, but Electrolytic cells require energy to run to completion, and are non-spontaneous.

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All life actives take place in cells #one answer

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Coenzyme-Q10 is an oil-soluble substance that is found in some cells and is related to respiration. It's necessary in delivering energy to cells and is found in high concentrations in organs that require large amount of energy such as the kidneys and liver.