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Butterflies are prettier than moths. Moths are an icky brown color. XP

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Q: What is a charteristic of a butterfly?
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Photosynthasis , would be one of the most important charteristic's . The ability to turn light and poison gas to food and energy for the plant!!!!

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What is Viceroy Butterfly?

the viceroy butterfly is a butterfly that mimics the monarch butterfly

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What is the smallest butterfly?

The Western Pygmy Blue Butterfly is the smallest butterfly.

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a small butterfly a small butterfly

What are some butterflies that begin with the letter B?

· Yellow Angled Sulfur Butterfly · Yellow Tip Butterfly

What is a butterfly ballot?

a butterfly ballot is a ballot in the shape of a butterfly

Pictures of butterfli esthat live in the tropical rain forest?

There are many species of butterfly that live in tropical rainforests. Some of the most common are: * Birdwing Butterfly * Grey Albatross Butterfly * Ulysses Butterfly * Common Eggfly * Red-bodied Swallowtail * Union Jack Butterfly * Helena Brown Butterfly * Regent Skipper * morpho butterfly * Julia butterfly * Monarch butterfly * Queen Alexandra's Birdwing butterfly * Goliath Birdwing butterfly * Saturn Butterfly

What is the scientific name of butterfly tree?

The Butterfly bush is Buddleia.