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they are competetive have lots of pride love to win and are curious

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11y ago

Cheetahs are competitive and love to win. They are very positive thinkers.

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What patterns do cheetahs have on their fur?

All cheetahs have a different pattern of spots on their pelt. If you watch shows where they follow cheetahs the people always make sketches of the cheetahs before they leave them alone for a day. to add, zoologists or biologists attach transmiters to them and when you get to know an animal, personality really shows

Are cheetahs helpful or harmless?

Cheetahs are both helpful and harmless. There are no records of cheetahs ever attacking a human.

How are king cheetahs and regular cheetahs the same?

King cheetahs are just regular cheetahs with a rare coat pattern mutation.

Do warthogs eat cheetahs?

No, cheetahs eat warthogs.

What cause cheetahs?

Older cheetahs.

Are cheetahs in Madagascar?

No, there are no cheetahs in Madagascar.

Do cheetahs live in countries?

Cheetahs live in Africa and Western Asia. Cheetahs live in Africa but rare sightings say that some cheetahs have traveled to Australia. cheetahs mostly live in Africa

When do cheetahs hibernate?

Cheetahs don't hibernate.

Do cheetahs have families?

Yes, cheetahs do have families.

Who are the best hunters - lions or cheetahs?


Do cheetahs migrate?

No, cheetahs do not migrate.

What are alliteration's for cheetahs?

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