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chemical change-change in the chemical

chemical property-property(physical trait)of the chemical

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1w ago

A chemical reaction is a process that involves the breaking and forming of chemical bonds between atoms, resulting in the transformation of substances into new substances with different properties. A chemical property is a characteristic of a substance that describes its ability to undergo chemical reactions or changes, such as its reactivity, flammability, or toxicity.

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14y ago

the difference in a chemical property and a chemical change is that the chemical property is an elements ability to change or do something, a chemical change is when an object does change and you cant get it back.

the difference between chemical property and chemical change is that chemical property is any of a materials properties that becomes evident during a chemical reaction while chemical change is when an object change and its bonds are broken and new bonds are formed between different atoms.

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7y ago

1. A chemical reaction is an interaction between reactants and products.
2.· General chemical properties: - Pauling electronegativity - Period (position) - Group (position) - Flammability - Corrosivity - Heat of combustion - Enthalpy of formation - Valence (oxidation states) - Toxicity - Chemical stability in a given environment - Coordination number

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