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Izabella Bins

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Q: What is a chemical that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide?
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What process carries oxygen to and carbon dioxide away from cells?

Respiration is the process that carries oxygen to the cells and removes carbon dioxide from them. Blood carries the oxygen to the cells.

Is carbon dioxide oxygen?

No. Carbon dioxide is a chemical compound of carbon and oxygen.

What system carries oxygen?

The Respiratory system carries oxygen and carbon dioxide

Is oxygen carbon dioxide and nitrogen a compound?

Carbon dioxide is chemical compound. Oxygen and nitrogen are chemical elements.

What is CO2 and O2?

CO2 is carbon dioxide, a gas produced through combustion, respiration, and decomposition. O2 is oxygen, a gas essential for cellular respiration and aerobic organisms to survive.

What substance in blood carries oxygen?

Red blood cells in blood carry oxygen throughout the body. The actual chemical substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen is hemoglobin. Hemoglobin also carries carbon-dioxide when passed through capillarys, the part where the carbon dioxide is exchanged with the oxygen. capillaries are a cell thick for the lower blood presure.

What carries gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide?

plasma has a little

What carries oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body?


Which kind of vein carries blood with high oxygen and low carbon dioxide?

The pulmonary veins are high in oxygen and low in carbon dioxide. All other veins are high in carbon dioxide and low in oxygen.

Why is cabon dioxide a compound?

Carbon dioxide is a compound as it is the elements carbon and oxygen fused together in a chemical reaction. The chemical name for carbon dioxide is C02

What does CO2 means?

CO2 stands for carbon dioxide, which is a colorless greenhouse gas that is naturally present in the Earth's atmosphere. It is produced through the respiration of living organisms and through the combustion of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide plays a crucial role in the Earth's carbon cycle and in regulating the planet's temperature.

What is the major function of the blood in your body?

It carries carbon dioxide and oxygen.