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Q: What do you mix with oxygen to make carbon dioxide?
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How can carbon dioxide to make oxygen for survival?

mix soda powder and lithium and it turns carbon dioxide into oxygen.

How can you create carbon dioxide?

you can make carbon dioxide every time you exhale or take one carbon atom and mix 2 oxygen atoms.

What 2 chemicals would you mix together to make carbon dioxide?

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) can be formed by the addition of the element carbon (C) and oxygen gas (O2).

What do you get when you mix one cartbon and two oxygen?

carbon dioxide

What two chemicals do you mix together to get carbon dioxide?

Caron dioxide is a chemical compound of the elements carbon and oxygen. Carbon dioxide is made from one carbon molecule and two oxygen molecules and is commonly written as CO2.

Does the mix of HCL and zinc produce carbon dioxide?

HCl and Zn lack the one carbon and two oxygen atoms that make up CO2 (carbon dioxide) Therefore, they cannot produce carbon dioxide in any condition.

What do you mix to get carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide can be obtained by mixing carbon monoxide with oxygen. However, an easier way for obtaining carbon dioxide is the burning of coal or wax.

What gas is given off when coke and oxygen mix?

Carbon Dioxide

Why carbon dioxide can not mix in blood?

Carbon dioxide is highly soluble in water and blood plasma. 900 ml/ liter carbon dioxide is soluble in water as against 4 ml/ liter of Oxygen. So this question would have been about oxygen instead of carbon dioxide.

What do you mix with charcoal to make carbon dioxide?


What does carbon dioxide and copper make?

copper is a metal and carbon dioxide is a gas so therefore dont mix

What kind of reaction is responsible for the liberation of Carbon dioxide in red blood cells?

respiration- The body takes in oxygen and glucose and turns it into carbon dioxide. Glucose is a mix of Carbon D, oxygen, and water. The body uses the oxygen, gets rid of the carbon dioxide and uses some of the water( the rest of the water is waste).