

What is a clothespin vote?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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12y ago

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A clothespin vote is when you don't like the candidate put up by your party but vote for him/her anyhow being loyal to your party.

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Q: What is a clothespin vote?
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What is a clothespin?

A clothespin vote is when you don't like the candidate put up by your party but vote for him/her anyhow being loyal to your party.

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Why was the clothespin invented?

the clothespin was invented to hang clothes

Who invented the clothespin?

The Shakers were the true inventors of the original clothespin.

When did the shakers invent the clothespin?

The Shakers invented the clothespin in the mid 1800's

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how do you make a 3D -model?

One way to make a 3D grasshopper model is to use a wooden clothespin. You can then decorate the clothespin to look like a grasshopper.

where is the resistance and effort in a clothespin?

The resistance and effort in a clothespin come from the spring mechanism. When you open the clothespin, you're working against the tension in the spring, and when closed, the spring provides the clamping force, creating the resistance to keep it shut.

How do you make a 3d grasshopper model?

One way to make a 3D grasshopper model is to use a wooden clothespin. You can then decorate the clothespin to look like a grasshopper.

Is there something in your washroom that starts with c?

clothes clothespin

Can a clothespin pop a pimple?

it can... i wouldn't suggest it tho!

What class lever is a clothespin?

When the clothespin is not clipping anything, it is a class 1 lever.When the clothespin is clipping something, it's a class 3 lever. So technically, it's both:)