

What is a cold sore flare up?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus. It never leaves your body once you get it. Periodically, usually during times of stress, the virus will appear on the surface of the body as a sore.

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Q: What is a cold sore flare up?
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Can a person with a cold sore clear it up by puttin a hot towel on it?

A hot towel will not clear up a cold sore.

Will a cold sore get infected if someone puts make up on it?

A cold sore will not get infected if someone puts make up on it.

Would using Zovirax on a cold sore help reduce healing time?

If your cold sore has already appeared then treatment with Zovirax Cold Sore Cream can speed up the healing process.

Why are there no scars left after a cold sore?

A cold sore is caused by the herpes simplex virus and will generally clear up in time. I did have one student in my classroom who kept picking at a cold sore and now has a scar in that area.

Drying a cold sore?

There are several ways that a cold sore may dry up quicker. See the related link for information on this.

Can you get a cold sore wet?

You can get a cold sore wet.

Is a cold sore a micro-organism?

A cold sore is a micro-organism.

Can you pop your cold sore?

Do not pop the cold sore; it can cause it to spread.

Is a cold sore caused by a bacteria?

A cold sore is caused by a virus.

Can anyone get cold sore?

Anyone, who comes into contact with the virus, can get a cold sore.

Can dogs get a cold sore from people?

Dogs wont get a cold sore from people.

What does it mean if your cold sore is yellow?

That is a natural part of the healing process but you are still contagious. Up utill the cold sore is completely gone you can still pas it on. Don't touch the cold sore, if you have to wash your hands after touching it. Don't cover it with mke up, that will only aggravate the sore. Apply some cream like Abreva to the sore regulaly to help speed up the healing process.