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Q: What is a collection of millions of water droplets or ice crystals called?
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What is collection of millions of tiny water droplets or ice crystals called?


What is a large collection of tiny droplets of water on ice crystals called?

A cloud

What is that process of water droplets or ice crystals falling from the sky?

The process of water droplets or ice crystals falling from the sky is called precipitation. .

What is a swirling collection of thousands of millions of stars called?

A collection of thousands and millions of stars is called a galaxy.

A collection of water droplets that can be seen above the earths surface?

is called 'clouds'.

When does precipitation form?

as air rises to the atmosphere it cools. the loss of heat causes water vapor to condense into tiny water droplets or ice crystals. if the droplets or crystals grow and they become heavy enough they fall as rain, snow, sleet or hail. any type of liquid that falls earth's surface is called precipitation.

Why are solid particle required for cloud formation?

Clouds form when the water vapor condenses into small particles. The particles in clouds can either be liquid or solids. The liquid particles are called cloud droplets and the solid particles are called ice crystals! Both droplets and ice crystals require a solid particle to nucleate on - otherwise the moisture stays in the air in a supersaturated condition until something drastic happens to cause it to precipitate.

What is a collection of millions of computers interlinked to one another called?

Internet (WAN - similar to WWW)

What do you call water vapor that has condense into small water droplets near the ground?

A collection of water droplets suspended in the air is called a cloud. If the collection of water droplets is close to the ground it is called fog.

What are invisible masses of tiny water droplets or ice crystals called?

What you are probably looking for is "Black ice". It covers the road surface but you don't realize it is there until you are spinning off into a ditch.

What is water called when it is a gas?

The gas state of H2O is called water vapour. However, it is not steam, as steam is a collection of small condensed water droplets.

Why do clouds exist?

Because we have a thing called an atmosphere. Air pressure, temperature, and other factors condense water particles that form small water droplets that form tiny ice crystals that group up with other ice crystals that form what we see as clouds.