

What is a common cause of gallstones?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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A common cause of gallstones is obesity. Other causes include your body retaining too much cholesterol, and your gallbladder producing too much bilirubin.

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Q: What is a common cause of gallstones?
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Yes, Turkey Hill brand iced tea can in fact cause gallstones. In fact, any type of iced tea can cause gallstones. If you have prior issues with your kidneys or gallstones, stay away from iced tea products.

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The most common medical treatment for gallstones is the surgical removal of the gallbladder (cholecsytectomy).

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Pain in the gallbladder may indicate gallstones, which can pass on their own, but surgical removal of the gallbladder may be required.

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Rapid weight loss is a risk factor for developing gallstones.

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Approximately 80% of gallstones do not cause significant discomfort. Patients who develop biliary colic generally do have some symptoms.

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Pancreatitis symptoms are almost identical to gallstones, since gallstones are usually what cause it. Upper right abdominal pain that spreads to the back, nausea, and some vomiting are the most common signs of acute pancreatitis.

Where are Gallstones found?

Most gallstones remain in the gallbladder where they cause no symptoms. Sometimes they may pass into and obstruct the bile duct, which may lead to a variety of problems.

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Kaye, gallstones are?

Kaye, gallstones are common (about 20% of women in developed countries). There are several types of gallstones, the most frequent being cholesterol gallstones. These can occur due to an imbalance of cholesterol and the agents that are responsible for dissolving cholesterol, both secreted by the liver. If there's too much cholesterol or too little of the dissolving agents, stones can form. Anything that causes stones to more rapidly form, like decreased function of the gallbladder or even an individual's tendency to form stones, will lead to gallstones. Less common types of gallstones stem from too much bilirubin (the breakdown product of blood) or some intestinal diseases. Gallstones are more common as we age and in females, and also with hormone therapy. Despite the role of cholesterol in forming most gallstones, there's no relationship between stone formation and cholesterol in the blood. The majority of people with gallstones, fortunately, don't have symptoms. So as long as the gallstones don't cause problems, there's nothing to worry about and nothing that needs to be done.

Do weight cause gallstones?

People who are overweight, or who lose a large amount of weight quickly are also at greater risk for developing gallstones

What illnesses do gallstones cause?

Gallstones, which is a disorder of the gallbladder, are caused by a few different reasons. Some of the causes of gallstones include being overweight, pregnancy, or hormone therapy. Losing weight quickly may also lead to the formation of gallstones.

What are some common gallstones symptoms?

The common symptoms for gallstones is a sharp pain in the abdomen region. This is also accompanied by paid when urinating or needed to urinate due to the pressure the bladder when full puts on the gallbladder.