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The lowest common denominator is 12

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Q: What is a common fraction factor of 1 3 and 1 4 The largest fraction that goes into both of them please?
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Find the GCF. The largest factor that those three terms have in common is 5m3n. Take that out. 5m3n(4m4n2 - 2m + n)

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The least common factor of any two (or more) whole numbers is 1. Please note that there is no useful reason to get such a least common factor. Usually you'll want the GREATEST common factor, or the LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE of two or more numbers.

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The lowest common factor of any two positive integers is 1. Please remember the distinction between lowest common multiple, and highest common factor, in case this is not what you intended to ask.

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to turn 10 % in a fraction, put 10 over 100. Part over whole. 10/100. then simplify the equation. find the highest common factor, which in this case, is 10. divide the numerator and denominator by 10. 10/10= 1 100/10=10 so the fraction, and the answer to your question is: 1/10.

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First, let's list the factors of 72, although it may seem tedious, it might be useful until you get the hang of it.1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 72.*Please Note*: That you may skip the step above if you need to.Second, the largest factor of any number is extremely simple. It's always the number itself.Example: Find the largest factor of 1337.It's a no-brainer. The largest factor is undoubtedly 1337, the number itself.Similarly, the largest factor of 72 is...well... 72.

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Many of these have already been answered. Please search for them or ask them individually.

What is the highest common factor of sqer?

The question, as posted, makes no sense at all. Please correct your spelling and resubmit.

What is the highest common factor of 56 154 and 168?

The GCF is 14.