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"Yellow-bellied" is a compound adjective used to describe a cowardly person. Others are "lily-livered" and "chicken-hearted."

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Q: What is a compound adjective for cowardly person?
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What is the abstract noun for the adjective cowardly?

The abstract noun form of the adjective/adverb 'cowardly' is cowardliness.A related abstract noun form is cowardice.

Is cowardice an adverb?

No. Cowardice is a noun (behaving in a cowardly manner). Cowardly is both an adjective and adverb.

Is weak an adjective for sad cowardly happy or brave?

No, sad, cowardly, happy, or brave are not synonyms for weak.Synonyms for the adjective 'weak' are:assailabledebilitateddefenselessdiluteddim (light or sound)feebleflimsyfrailinadequateinaudibleinconclusiveindistinctineffectiveineptlackinglanguidpalepowerlesspunyshakysicklyslightsluggishsubstandardthinuncertainunsoundwantingwatery

What is the opposite of coward starting with BR?

There is no antonym of the noun "coward" that starts with BR. The adjective BRAVE is the opposite of the adjective "cowardly." The noun "brave" refers to Native American male warriors. The secondary definition "people who are ready to face and endure danger or pain" is spurious and is not used for that purpose. The generally accepted antonym for coward is "hero" (a brave or courageous person).

Should you write compound-adjective or compound adjective?

Compound adjective is the proper spelling of this phrase.

What is a compound adjective for a miser?

Penny-pinching is a compound adjective for a miser. Another compound adjective is Scrooge-like.

What is the compound adjective for a miser?

Penny-pinching is a compound adjective for a miser. Another compound adjective is Scrooge-like.

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What dose cur mean?

a mean, cowardly person.

Is chicken an adjective?

Not except in the slang usage, to mean easily scared or cowardly (you're just chicken), where it can also be a noun. The compound adjective chicken-hearted extends the metaphor.The word chicken is normally a noun, for the domestic fowl and foodstuffs made from it.

What does it mean if a person is called yellow?

It means they are a coward.

Is bread a compound adjective?
