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Q: What is a compound soda Fruit juice Salt?
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Related questions

Is lemon juice and baking soda an acid or base?

Baking soda is a salt. Lemon juice is a mixture with an acidic pH.

Is lemon juice and lemon soda the same?

No, lemon juice is squeezed fruit juice, lemon soda is a carbonated beverage usually with artificial lemon flavor.

What is ENO fruit salt?

It is called soda i think

What do put in a can other than soda drinks?

Juice or vegetables and fruit

What evaporates faster soda salt water or juice?

Water from both.

Is soda a fruit?

Soda is not a fruit. It is usually referring to water that has had carbon dioxide dissolved in it. The gas comes out of the solution and creates fizzy bubbles. It can be added to fruit juice, but most soda or pop is corn syrup and flavoring.

Is fruit salt acidic or alkaline?

Fruit salt is primaily a combination of citric acid and baking soda, and is often used as an antacid. It's alkaline

Does baking soda and lemon juice create a chemical reaction?

Yes it does. An acid (lemon juice) plus a base (baking soda) becomes salt plus water. So lemon juice and baking soda fizzes and bubbles then becomes salty water.

How many grams of fruit salt or eating soda does a teaspoon holds?


Why is baking soda a compound?

It is a salt composed of sodium ions and bicarbonate ions

Is NaHCO3 a covalent compound?

No. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is a salt, and it is bonded ionically.

Why is baking soda an ionic compound?

Baking soda consists of the compound NaHCO3. Because sodium is extremely reactive it will only appear as a cation. The bicarbonate ion is anionic. combined they are a salt aka ionic compound.