

What is a compression wave also known as?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is a compression wave also known as?
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Which of the following is not a characteristic of a sound wave?

It is also known as a compression wave

What name is given to a wave where the motion of the particles is in the same direction as the wave motion?

This is known as a Longitudinal wave or Compression / Pressure wave. In seismology (the scientific study of vibration within the earth), compression waves are known as Primary waves or P-waves.

What is the fastest moving earthquake wave?

The P-wave which is a form of body wave known as a compression or longitudinal wave.

What makes a compression wave?

compression wave is a wave like a sound wave

What is longitudinal ( compression) wave?

When the particles of a medium displaces due to compression and rarefaction in the direction of the force, it is known as longitudinal waves.

What are sound waves A Standing wave B Transverse wave C Longitudinal wave?

Longitudinal (also called compression) wave

What is compression and a rarefaction in a longitudinal wave?

When you have the complete compression and rarefaction of a longitudinal wave, that is one complete wave.

What is sound of wave?

A compression wave.

Is a water wave a compression wave?

No, a water wave is a surface wave that involves the transfer of energy through the movement of water particles in a circular motion. It is not a compression wave, which involves the propagation of compression and rarefaction regions through a medium, like in sound waves.

How is the density at a compression in a compressional wave like the height of a transverse wave?

In a compressional wave, the density of the medium varies periodically as the wave travels through it. This variation corresponds to the peaks and troughs in a transverse wave, where the denser regions represent the peaks of compression and the less dense regions represent the troughs of rarefaction. However, in a compressional wave, this density variation occurs in the same direction as the wave propagation, whereas in a transverse wave it occurs perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

What are the areas of compression and rarefraction an dwhich type wave do they aply?

Compression is the area of a wave where the particles are closely packed together, while rarefaction is the area where the particles are spread out. These concepts apply to both longitudinal waves, such as sound waves, and seismic waves.

Is a sonic wave a longitudinal wave?

No, a compression-rarefaction wave.