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low income

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Q: What is a condition that most people would NOT expect the safety net of the government to provide for?
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Is a condition that most people would not expect the safety net of the government to provide for?

low income

Which of the following is not a condition that most people would expect the safety net of the government to provide for?

low income

Which of the following is a condition that most people would not expect the safety net of the government to provide for?

low income

Why does the government need to provide facilities to the people?

try to help us ,by knowing how the poor people condition

Who approves money for the government to spend?

Who approves money for the government to spend?Taxing citizens is one of the concurrent powers of government. Of course, people expect state and local governments to provide services such as police protection.

Why does the government need to provide public facilities to the people?

AS private companies are not ready to provide these service without any profit,therefore it is goverment duty to provide it

Which statement best explains why people agree to follow a government's laws?

(Apex Learning) The people expect to get protection from the government.

Why do the people need a government to provide a military?

They cannot provide it themselves

What should you expect from a political party?

Government of the people, for the people, by the people. And in the best interests of ALL people. Dream on !

What do people expect from our government?

Because they know that the government is in charge of just about everything in the whole United States, so they tell him what they want to change or do, and they expect him to do these things or make these changes.

What should a good government provide for its people?


What did the people accuse Franklin D Roosevelt of being?

FDR is often accused of being a socialist, of creating a well-fare state in which people lose their self-reliance and expect the government to provide for their needs. He was also considered a traitor to his class by some .