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static electricity doesn't really need a conductor, a high enough voltage will cause electrons to jump a distance, without a conductor, as long as there is no insulator involved. All you need is a sufficient amount of free electrons on one side, say your finger tip, and a good ground on the other side, try a car door handle.

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2w ago

A conductor of static electricity is a material that allows electricity to flow through it easily. When an object becomes charged with static electricity, a conductor can help dissipate the charge by providing a path for the excess electrons to flow away. Metals, such as copper or aluminum, are good conductors of static electricity.

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Is polyester a conductor of static electricity?

Polyester is a commonly used material that can generate static electricity due to its low conductivity. When sliding against another material, such as in clothing, friction creates a build-up of static charge in polyester fibers. Grounding or using antistatic treatments can help reduce static electricity in polyester materials.

Is a rug a insulator?

No it is a very good conductor actually. It can cause static electricity.

How do electrons behave in a conductor when no voltage is applied?

In a conductor with no voltage applied, electrons move randomly due to thermal energy. They do not have a net drift motion but rather exhibit a random motion within the material.

Why does static electricity and wood stick together?

Static electricity can build up on the surface of wood due to friction, such as rubbing a balloon against it. The wood becomes negatively charged, attracting positively charged particles in the surrounding area. This attraction between the charged wood and other objects leads to the sticking together due to the electrostatic force.

What does electrica?

Static electricity is the accumulation or build up of electricity charges on the surface of a material, usually an insulator or non-conductor of electricity.

What property does a plastic have that makes it possible to give it static charge?

It's a non-conductor (of electricity).

How does electricity normally act?

Electricity , or in this case we refer to charge, is always trying to move from conductor to conductor. Whenever it stays still and the charge can't go on to anything else it is called static electricity. This is how it normally acts.

Why cant conductors generate static electricity when rubbed together?

Static electricity causes electrons to move from one material to the other. In an insulator, these electrons can't flow back to equalise the charges, whereas in a conductor they can; so whilst they could conceivably generate static electricity, it would be lost as quickly as it was made.

Is ebonite a conductor?

No, ebonite is an insulator and does not conduct electricity. It is a type of hard rubber that is known for its electrical insulating properties.

Why doesn't wood and metal attract to static electricity?

Wood and metal do not attract to static electricity because they are not good conductors of electricity. In order for static electricity to be generated between two objects, one of the objects must be able to hold a charge. Wood and metal do not readily hold a charge in the same way that materials like plastic or rubber do.

Why can static electricity not to be used to run a television?

static electricity is static electricity

Why doesn't wood and metal attract to electricity?

Static electricity is a build up of electrons. Static means still or stationary. Electrons on metal can not be stationary as the metal is such a good conductor of electricity. To remove static electricity after dragging your feet on a nylon carpet just touch a metal appliance or pipe eg a tap. Wood is generally porous so electrons again do not build up but ebony will build a static charge as it is a very dense wood. Electrons build up on plastic as it is a poor conductor. The electrons are static and a charge builds. Static electricity is caused by electrons being knocked off or building up on objects that are not normally good conductors.