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Q: What is a conical red hat called?
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Related questions

What are Vietnamese hats called?

Conical Asian hat, sedge hat, rice hat, paddy hat or coolie hat.

What type of hat worn by witches?

type of hat worn by witches

What is another name for witch hat?

A building witha broken pitch (bonnet) roof, also called witches cap, and in france its called a pepper pot, or bishops mitre.

What is the name of the hat the KKK wear?

The name of the hats they WORE was: Conical Hats. They are called this due to their shape. The hats being shaped like a cone. "White costumes consisting of robes, masks, and conical hats."

What is fez feature?

A 'fez' is a small conical hat originating in Morocco.

What kind of hats were Korean hat boxes used for?

They stored a man's tall conical hat with a wide brim.

Does the tall conical sheerdraped hat typically associated with princesses have a specific name?

A headdress

What is the name of hat worn by witches?

The type of hat commonly associated with Witches is a conical hat. For further information, I suggest you read this page:

What is the name of OS for Linux Red hat?

Initially it was just called "Red Hat Linux", but now Red Hat focuses exclusively on the enterprise market with its Linux distribution named "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" (RHEL) with the community version named CentOS (Community ENTerprise Operating System) and Fedora (a Red Hat-supported community Linux distribution)

Who created Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

Red Hat, Inc. is a company that rebrands, supports and distributes the GNU Linux operating system, along with their own enhancements. One of their product lines is called Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

What Hats start with the letter L?

Liberty cap is a type of hat. It is a soft brimless conical cap.

What kind of hats do Chinese people wear?

It is a conical straw hat they wear it because it is very hot in china