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Q: What is a continental margin is also known as a plate boundary?
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What boundary is it called when an oceanic plate descends beneath a continental plate?

It's called destructive plate margin/boundary, or convergent plate margin though this term applies to all plate margins where two plates are moving towards each other (such as continental + continental or oceanic + oceanic).

Which South American continental margin is passive and not a plate boundary?

The eastern coast of South America is a passive margin, rather than a plate boundary.

What type of plate margin was the Japanese earthquake?

it is on a convergent plate boundary also known as a subduction zone

What plate boundary is in the Himalayan mountains?

The Himalayas are found at a convergent plate boundary also known as a subduction zone where one plate slips under the other driving the land mass up.

Is a plate margin and a plate boundary the same?

No,plate margin&plate boundary are not same.plate boundaries are definite regions where tectonic occurs,while margins are surface lines.

What are the 3 subtypes of convergent plate boundaries?

1. Oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundary. 2. Continental-continental convergent plate boundary. and 3. Oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary.

What type of plate boundary causes a reverse fault?

In an ideal world this would be a margin that involves some element of compression, so you're looking at a compressional (orogenic) or subducting margin. Anywhere where the crust is thickened generally involves reverse, also known as thrust, faulting.

What are the three sub types of convergent plate boundrys?

1. Oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundary. 2. Continental-continental convergent plate boundary. and 3. Oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary.

Where is there a continental continental boundary on earth?

The Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau are formed by a continental-continental boundary where the Indian continental plate is moving north against the Eurasian continental plate.

Oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary.?

oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary has what kind of crustal rocks

What are the sub-types of convergent plates boundrys?

1. Oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundary. 2. Continental-continental convergent plate boundary. and 3. Oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary.

What is the plate boundary thay caused soufriere hills volcano?

Destructive(collisional) plate margin/boundary