

What is a cross staff and astrolabe?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What is a cross staff and astrolabe?
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What are 4 inventions developed during the renaissance which made navigation easier?

compass, astrolabe cross-staff, back-staff

What are the instruments in navigation?

the instruments in navigation are gps's, kamals, sextants, cross staff, back staff, mariners astrolabe, quadrant, and octants :)

What kinds of navigational instruments did Renaissance explorers use?

The Sextant, The Nocturnal, The Astrolabe, The Quadrant Cross-staff and Back-staff, Latitude hook, Kamel Hope that helps you

Which two technological devices helped navigators cross oceans?

the astrolabe and compass

What are the 3 technologies that helped explorers cross the ocean?

The compass, the astrolabe, and the rudder.

What is a quadrant and cross staff?

A Cross Staff and a Quadrant are Instruments that measure Latitude.

What tools did christopher Columbus use when sailing?

The instruments that Columbus used for his journey were a compass, used for finding the direction a ship is travelling; an astrolabe, used the North Star or Sun to calculate latitude, the distance north or south of the equator; a cross-staff, used to measure the altitude of the Pole star above the horizon to determine latitude; and the back-staff, used to measure the altitude of the Sun to determine latitude.

Another name for Jacobs staff?

a cross staff

What equipment did christopher columbus use on his voyages?

Christopher Columbus did not have modern technology available to him that people would today, but he did have basic instruments. He was able to use things to navigate such as a compass, a cross-staff, back-staff, and an astrolabe.

What was a cross staff used for?

The cross staff was used to determine the vessels latitude by measuring the altitude of Polaris or the Sun.

What tools was used by European explorers?

By this time in Europe plate armour was reaching its zenith, so weapons need to be heavy enough to break through this. A pole axe was a much favored weapon, it was a combination of axe, spear and hammer. Crossbows were still in use as muskets weren't advanced or widespread yet

What navigational instruments did the tudors use on ships?

Maps, Astrolabe, Cross Staff, Compass, Log Line, Sand Glass and Bell, Traverse Board and a Sounding Lead were commonly used. This link provides a good background on this instruments.