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The instruments that Columbus used for his journey were a compass, used for finding the direction a ship is travelling; an astrolabe, used the North Star or Sun to calculate latitude, the distance north or south of the equator; a cross-staff, used to measure the altitude of the Pole star above the horizon to determine latitude; and the back-staff, used to measure the altitude of the Sun to determine latitude.

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13y ago
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15y ago
AnswerCompass, cross staff and astrolabe. The latter being a primitive sextant
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15y ago

They used: compases, astrolabes, and maps from previous explorers.

they also used charts a sandglass and an hourglass .also, they used cross staffs.


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14y ago

compass, logs, hourglass and nautical instruments ! He also had ancient maps but because they were ancient, they weren't good and led him in the wrong direction.

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16y ago

compass,ships,log line, maps,

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12y ago

your mom help him

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15y ago

Sailors. Astrolabe. Books. Pens. Pencils.

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13y ago


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Q: What tools did christopher Columbus use when sailing?
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Sailing ships must have rudders. Columbus's ships were no exception. There is a nice picture of a nao at the link. The Santa Maria, The flagship for his voyage when he discovered the new world, was this type ship. The Niña and Pinta were caravels. They also had rudders.

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Just like you would any other proper noun. Since it's a name, why not use something like 'Christopher Columbus... (something he did)... (when he did it).'