

What is a cryptozoologists?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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A cryptozoologist is a person who studies things like Bigfoot Jersey Devil, and "the Situation's" brain. :) (For those of you who don't know who "the Situation" is, watch Jersey Shore).

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13y ago

Cryptozoologists are the scientists who study unknown or very unusual animals. They use modern techniques like sonars, radars, and video along with historical researches, they travel to the ends of the Earth to track creatures.

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What do cryptozoologists do on a daily basis?

Look/study/find/research creatures.

How much is the annual salary of a Cryptozoologists?

Pretty much nothing, the field gets no respect. There are no businesses that regularly employ cryptozoologists and most people in the field work some kind other job to support their "hobby".

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Yes they do because they are a part of the zoology community.

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It's possible. Cryptozoologists feel that Bigfoot is a species that was once thought extinct but actually is not.

Can Cryptozoologists be Christian?

Yes. Cryptozoology is the study of unknown or undiscovered organisms. The Bible doesn't prohibit the search for, or the discovery of any life form.

How long have cryptozoologists been studying the big foot?

For decades at the very least. Although reports of Bigfoot sightings go back for hundreds of years.

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Generally the study of mermaids falls to cryptozoologists. These scientists study life forms that have been posited to exist, but the mainstream biological community has not seen decisive evidence of their existence.

Are legends like big foot real?

One cannot really speak for all legends with one answer like this. Some legends, like the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow, are undoubtedly not true, while others may be. The duck-billed platypus, for example, was widely believed to be mythical due to its bizarre physical description -- until one was found alive. As for Bigfoot, there is a very large contingency of amateur "cryptozoologists" who believe that there is some evidence for the existence of certain legendary creatures, and that the scientific community reflexively discredits them without cause -- and a very large contingency of scientists and average citizens who think the cryptozoologists are crazy. The primary evidence cited by cryptozoologists for the existence of Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) usually consists of amateur video footage that allegedly shows a large primate walking across the screen, and photographs or casts of very large, ape-like footprints. Many of these have ended up being hoaxes, but cryptozoologists will argue that, since some have not, the burden of proof is on the skeptics to demonstrate why Bigfoot cannot exist. Skeptics, on the other hand, would argue that the burden rather lies on the cryptozoologists to produce concrete evidence for the existence of a creature which, scientifically, has no reason to exist. The general view is that (a) all evidence supporting Bigfoot's existence is either falsified or misinterpreted, (b) the breeding population of an animal that size would have to be so large that the probability that a live specimen or a corpse had never been identified is astronomically low, and (c) the scientific community has better and more important things to worry about than the existence of an irrational North American ape. So, depending on who you ask, the jury might still be out.

What is the story behind the Dover demon?

The Dover Demon is an alleged cryptozoological creature sighted on three separate occasions during a 25-hour period in the town of Dover, Massachusetts on April 21 and April 22, 1977. It has remained a subject of interest for cryptozoologists ever since then.

A man who studies mythical creatures?

There are several possible answers. Cryptozoologists study modern mythological creatures such as bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster, and are usually treated skeptically, if not with disdain, by most mainstream scientists. Those who study mythological creatures from the past would be considered historians or Classicists.

What is the lifespan of a Skunk Ape?

Nobody knows. In fact, no real skunk ape has ever been studied and it exists only as a few disputed photographs. Said to be a close relative of the North American Sasquatch (Big Foot) by some cryptozoologists, the skunk ape is very likely nothing but a myth.

What is the most recent cryptid?

Cryptozoology is the study of animals and other creatures that have not yet been accepted by science as real. In other words, it is monster-hunting. Cryptozoologists look for creatures like sea serpents and the yeti, hoping to gather enough evidence to prove that these beings exist. They also look for more commonplace animals, such as the ivory-billed woodpecker, the giant vampire bat, the inflatable hedgehog and the pygmy elephant. Creatures that are under investigation by cryptozoologists are called cryptids. Although cryptozoology doesn't get much respect from other scientific disiplines, it has had some spectacular success stories, including the pongo (now known as the gorilla), the okapi (an animal that looks like a cross between a giraffe and zebra), and the coelacanth, a prehistoric fish thought to be extinct. I think the latest crypto was the chupacabras.