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A crystallising dish does exactly what its name suggests. It is a dish into which a highly concentrated (sometimes) hot solution is poured, as the solution cools down (or when excess liquid evapourates) crystals of whichever salt was being held in solution form. The dish is wide and shallow to allow maximum evapouration to occur.

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Q: What is a crystallizing dish used for in chemistry?
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Can you heat a crystallizing dish?

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An evaporating dish is a piece of laboratory glassware used for the evaporation of solids and supernatant fluids.Answer taken from wikipedia.

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There are many things that stop protein from crystallizing. Examples of things that stop protein from crystallizing include not being homogeneous and not being at least 97% pure.

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crystallizing is when honey is really old.

What is the difference between crystallizing and distilling?

Crystallizing is the act of forming a repeating pattern in something, while distilling is removing something from something else. Is this what the question meant?