

What is a decibel of a bullhorn?

Updated: 5/26/2024
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12y ago

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It depends on how loud it's being played.

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Furman Metz

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1y ago
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2w ago

A decibel (dB) is a unit used to measure sound intensity. A bullhorn typically produces sound levels between 100-120 dB, which is considered very loud and can potentially cause hearing damage if exposure is prolonged. It is important to be cautious when using or being near a bullhorn to protect your hearing.

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15y ago

What is the decibel of someone trumpeting? Use a sound pressure level meter (SPL) and measure the dBs. Don't forget to notice the distance of the measuring point from the Trumpet. Because doubling the distance shows a level going 6 dB down. Scroll down to related links and look at "How to calculate dB?"

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12y ago

This is a typical wrong believe that a jackhammer has 110 dB, a rock band has at least 115 dB and a bullhorn must have 120 dB. Every one seems to be content with these wrong numbers.

If there is no given distance with the measured decibel value, such numbers are really nonsense.

With doubling the distance from a sound source the decibels decrease by 6 dB.

So a bullhorn sound can be at 12.5 m distance 130 dB. At 25 m distance 124 dB, at 50 m distance 118 dB and at 100 m distance only 114 dB.

You see how important it is to tell always the distance with the measured decibel level. Don't believe that only a specific decibel value belongs to noise source, like here the bullhorn.

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12y ago

about 40 dB at 20 meters for a 3 EE-5 W horn

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