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Submarine Canyons

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Q: What is a deep steep sided valleys that originate on the continental slope and may extend to the ocean basin floor is called?
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What is the deep steep side valley that originate on the continental slope and may extend to the ocean basin floor called?

Submarine Canyons

What are Fjord Glaciers characterized by?

Carved deep U-shaped valleys distinguish fjord glaciers. The valleys also extend below sea level and are flooded by the ocean.

Does the continental or the oceanic crust extend farther into the mantle?

The continental crust because it is thicker than the oceanic crust

How far does the continental shelf extend out into the ocean on the west coast of the US?

200 miles

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Surgery can extend, but the surgical procedure that does it is not called circumcision.

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The lines that extend the staff are called ledger lines.

Is oceanic crust is usually thicker than continental crust?

No. Oceanic crust is heavier and denser than continental crust, but is actually thinner. Continental crust is believed to actually extend down into the magma of the mantle (upon which crust floats) more deeply than oceanic crust, similar to how a huge ice cube will not only be larger above the surface of water than a smaller ice cube, but will extend more deeply into a glass than a small ice cube ... so not only does continental crust extend higher on the surface (since it is continental crust, it has dry land above the ocean floor), but the 'bottom' of the crust also extends deeper into the earth. Oceanic crust is thus thinner than continental crust, but made of denser, heavier rock (which is why it subducts under continental crusts where continental and oceanic plates converge).

What 3 continental regions are contained in Ecuador?

Ecuador is divided into three continental regions--the Costa, Sierra, and Oriente--and one insular region--the Galápagos Islands. The continental regions extend the length of the country from north to south and are separated by the Andes Mountains.

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Semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris ... The hamstrings

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