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Depends on the context of the declaration.

Consider the following code

class DefaultComponent {

int _x;

void DoSomething(){}

//nested class, similar to DefaultComponent

class Inner {

int _y;

void DoAThing() {}



Except DefaultComponent being internal, anything else are private, including the class Inner! That is, if the above code being copy exactly without modification and paste into another class as another nested class, the access of DefaultComponent now changes to private.

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Q: What is a default access specifier for the class and method and variable in c sharp?
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What is an access specifier?

An access specifier is a keyword applied to a variable, or method, which indicates which parts of the program are permitted to access it.

Which is java default access specifier?

There is no such thing as an access specifier in Java. There are access modifiers.The default access modifier if unspecified is to allow access to classes in the current package only, except within an interface where the default is 'public'

Access specifier in java?

There is no such thing as an access specifier in Java. There are access modifiers.An Access Modifier is a key word in java that determines what level of access or visibility a particular java variable/method or class has. There are 4 basic access modifiers in java. They are:1. Public2. Protected3. Default and4. PrivatePrivate is the most restrictive access modifier whereas public is the least restrictive. The default access modifier if unspecified is to allow access to classes in the current package only, except within an interface where the default is 'public'.

Where do you define the access specifier for a java method properties?

We define the access specifier of a function at the place of its method signature(The place we write the method's name).for example,public void sample(){}here "public" is the access specifier of function name-sample.

What does In public mean?

The keyword public is an access specifier. A variable or a method that is declared public is publicly accessible to any member of the project. Any class or method can freely access other public methods and variables of another class.

Is it true default access modifire?

Default access modifier is package. So when you want a method or object variable to be visible within a package, you don't have to insert an access modifier. For public, private or protected, you need to metion them in your java code.

What is the Diff between Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers?

An Access Modifier is a key word in java that determines what level of access or visibility a particular java variable/method or class has. There are 4 basic access modifiers in java. They are: 1. Public 2. Protected 3. Default and 4. Private Private is the most restrictive access modifier whereas public is the least restrictive. Default is the access protection you get when you do not specifically mention an access modifier to be used for a java object.

What are access specifires in java?

An Access Modifier is a key word in java that determines what level of access or visibility a particular java variable/method or class has. There are 4 basic access modifiers in java. They are: 1. Public 2. Protected 3. Default and 4. Private Private is the most restrictive access modifier whereas public is the least restrictive. Default is the access protection you get when you do not specifically mention an access modifier to be used for a java object. Java programming does not run by just a single piece of class that has the whole functionality. You have hundreds of classes that interact with one another, passing data between them and returning output to the user of the system. So it is very important for members of one class to access members of another. Here members may refer to variables, methods and even classes. So, this is where the access modifiers come into picture. The modifier associated with every member of the class determines what level of visibility that member has.

What is acess spacifier in java?

An Access Modifier is a key word in java that determines what level of access or visibility a particular java variable/method or class has. There are 4 basic access modifiers in java. They are: 1. Public 2. Protected 3. Default and 4. Private Private is the most restrictive access modifier whereas public is the least restrictive. Default is the access protection you get when you do not specifically mention an access modifier to be used for a java object.

Explain different access modifier in java?

An Access Modifier is a key word in java that determines what level of access or visibility a particular java variable/method or class has. There are 4 basic access modifiers in java. They are: 1. Public 2. Protected 3. Default and 4. Private Private is the most restrictive access modifier whereas public is the least restrictive. Default is the access protection you get when you do not specifically mention an access modifier to be used for a java object.

Discuss about the visibility control of java program?

Visibility is another term used for Acess Specifiers for java variables and objects.One of the techniques in object-oriented programming is encapsulation. It concerns the hiding of data in a class and making them available only through its methods. In this way the chance of making accidental mistakes in changing values is minimized. Java allows you to control access to classes, methods, and fields via so-called access specifiers. The access to classes, constructors, methods and fields are regulated using access modifiers i.e. a class can control what information or data can be accessible by other classes. To take advantage of encapsulation, you should minimize access whenever possible.Java provides a number of access modifiers to help you set the level of access you want for classes as well as the fields, methods and constructors in your classes. A member has package or default accessibility when no accessibility modifier is specified.Access Modifiers1. Private2. Protected3. Default4. PublicPublic is the most liberal access specifier and Private is the most restrictive access specifier.

What does public mean in java?

The keyword public is an access specifier. A variable or a method that is declared public is publicly accessible to any member of the project. Any class or method can freely access other public methods and variables of another class.