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Q: What is a delinquint?
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It will save you time if you have someone else do the collections. It will also save you the hassle of dealing with the delinquint customers.

Can IRS seize credit union account for back taxes?

Yes. A credit union has savings and checking options and either one or both can be seized to repay a delinquint IRS debts for back taxes

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Thief, criminal, juvinile delinquint Little advice: Check or something equivilent as appose to relying on decade length answers.

Can a newspaper subscription go onto your credit report if it is only about 25 dollars and I never gave them my social security and I never agreed to continue with their service?

I've never seen anyone reported delinquint on a newspaper subscription.

Who is your uncle?

To call an African American an "Uncle Tom" is to insult him by suggesting he is selling-out to the White race. The origin of the name 'Uncle Tom' is believed to come from the book callled, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Where the main character, Uncle Tom, is initially seen as a noble long-suffering Christian slave.An Uncle Tom is a black man who overlords slaves or tenant farmers.

Can the court garnish your social security for delinquint payday loans?

No, if the lender doesn't receive collateral from you - their only recourse to recover the debt is small claims court. If they do open a claim against you in small claims court and win, the judge could issue a writ of garnishment for a percentage of your social security disability payments - however that is incredibly unlikely. Unless you also have a "day job" source of income, you are not the ideal customer for a payday loan lender - keep that in mind when seeking them.

What would happen if a 14 year old boy gets a 12 year old girl pregnant?

Well once the Authorities get to know about it they will call in Child Social Services and the Police. They will work with the children and their parents in the best interests of all involved. It is of course illegal for under age sex. Maybe the courts will just call it a delinquint act and let it be handled in juvenile court. Then there's the issue of school. Will the girl have to drop out? Will the boy be unable to finish school because he gets sent to a youth detention center? Will the girl have an abortion? Keep the baby and become a mom 10 years before "normal" age for having kids? All kinds of difficult choices and unwelcome consequences here. Better to avoid the situation in the first place.

What should you do if you just got a collection notice from a company that states the account was closed in 1996 you're not sure if the bill is yours and you never received any collection or bill?

First, I would get a full copy of your credit report, see if this is on your report or not. Since it has been closed over 7 years, it shouldn't be on there, and it sounds that if it was your debt, they are trying to reopen the case, which then will cause it to be fresh again, and if that is the case, and it isn't still considered open on your credit report, then it will be shown on there again. I am not sure if I'd even contact the company, but maybe you should write return to sender address unknown on the next letter. Of course this is just from what I have learned about credit reports and how things affect your score. If it has been closed, it probably was taken from your report a couple years ago, when the 7 year mark hit, and now even if you pay it now, it will show up again, because you have new activity on the account, and if you pay it will consider it an account that was in collection, which you paid, but isn't it better if people you are trying to get credit from, don't see you had a delinquint account, than to see you had one and paid it? Some of this like the 7 years, is facts, and other is my opinion, like the sentence I just said, but you may want to start by finding out if it is on your record now, then go from there.

Can the IRS take your tax refund if your ex-husband owes delinquint taxes?

I believe it depends on the date your divorce was final, and of course the tax year end that your are referring to. In the next tax year (the first full tax year for you as a single person), the IRS should not be able to attach any refund unless they determined, and you did not protest, you had tax liability from the previous year(s). If you should remarry during the same tax year in which you were divorced, they cannot attach your new husband's income even if you file jointly. If they do, he can file a form (I can't remember the name of it.) which shows that he is not responsible for your tax debts and what percentage of the income you jointly declared is his. If your ex husband incurred these tax debts after you were divorced (i.e. date of divorce and percentage [number of days] of tax year you are liable for) then you are not liable for them. You can always protest any ruling the IRS makes. You need to be prepared with lots of documentation showing dates and monies earned and paid. You can get more information of the IRS site. They answer almost all questions. Don't forget about your state liability. If the IRS' determination is upheld then you may also be responsible for your ex's state tax that you jointly incurred. That would be dependant on the laws of your state. It sounds like you are in a bad spot. I would recommend that you talk to a tax accountant (because they are usually cheaper than attorneys). Hope this helped.

Can a 17 year old move out his parents house in Louisiana and live with his 19 year old brother who is still in school and living with his aunt in the state of Louisiana?

I am in a similar situation. I am the 30 year old sister of a 15 year old girl. My sister is in a desperate situation and does not want to live with her father who is manipulative and somehow always gets one over on the court system even though he does drugs and needs mental help. He gives my sister the creeps as well. He is now calling me up threatening saying that the police are involved and I will be arrested for trying to protect my sister. She has been trying to get away from him all her life. She moved in with my mother finally over a year ago but my mother has developed an addiction. I am her only hope now for a healthy teenage life but unfortunately it seems her father always finds a way around his drug abuse. He knows people in the system who dismiss any allegations of abuse. Since she's been with only me, she has displayed a motivation for success and exercise and cleaning and listens to me when I put my foot down about her studying. I am enforcing her home school plan right now but she and I both want her to go to school but her father's stalking behavior puts us in fear of pursuing that. There is not much I can do and I fear that she will become a child delinquint. She has already tried to commit suicide once at her daddy's and keeps saying that if she has to live there she is running away. She's and everyone has had enough but it looks like it will go on until she is 18. WHAT CAN WE DO?