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Q: What is a difference between physical traits and personality traits?
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What is the Physical appearance and and personality traits of characters in the book 'Freak the Mighty'?

Physical traits is what they look like + Personality traits is what they act like

What is the difference between crush and like?

The difference between having a crush on someone and liking someone:If you have a crush on someone, it means that you find their physical appearance attractive.If you like someone, it means that you like their personality traits; not to do with appearance.

What is the difference between pleasing physical appearance and pleasing personality?

A pleasing physical appearance refers to one's external features and how they are perceived aesthetically. A pleasing personality, on the other hand, refers to one's traits, behavior, and character that make them enjoyable to be around. While physical appearance may attract initial attention, personality plays a more significant role in forming lasting connections.

Are traits only physical?

No, traits can be both physical and non-physical. Physical traits are characteristics that are visible, such as hair color or height. Non-physical traits, on the other hand, refer to characteristics like personality, intelligence, or behavior.

What the physical aperance and personality traits for maxwell Kane aka kicker?

Personality; Shy Reserved Learning Disabled, Physical; Tall Clumsy Big Footed.

What is temperament personality?

Personal temperament is the combination of physical, mental and emotional traits of a person.

Non physical traits inherited?

Non-physical traits such as intelligence, personality, and temperament can be inherited from one's parents through a combination of genetic and environmental factors. These traits are influenced by complex interactions between multiple genes and are not solely determined by genetics. Factors such as upbringing, experiences, and social environment also play a significant role in shaping these traits.

What are Madonna's personality traits?

what are madonnas personality traits

What can be the most simple thing about a girl that turns a guy on?

it can be anything from personality or just your physical traits

What is personality emotional physical traits in a character?

stuff that you can't see. Like inside yourself

What are the difference between traits theory and humanistic theory of personality?

Trait theory focuses on identifying and categorizing individual personality traits to understand behavior, while humanistic theory emphasizes the importance of personal growth, self-actualization, and the inherent goodness of individuals in shaping personality. Trait theory is more concerned with measuring and describing personality traits, while humanistic theory is more concerned with understanding psychological growth and self-fulfillment.

Who believed that personality traits are physical entities located in the brain?

Hans Eysenck believed that biological differences are responsible for variations in personality traits from person to person. (Essentials of Psychology by Jeffery S. Nevid)