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Q: What is a disabling condition that may affect communication due to the inability to express emotion?
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What is the link between communication and emotion?

Various forms of communication (speech, visual, audio, etc) are how we express our feelings and emotions.

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What happens in human condition when change occurs?

When change occurs your whole perspective on the event will change. It will change your emotion and everything about you

What is the adjective when the noun is emotion?

You can use many different adjectives to modify the noun 'emotion'. Some examples: * a strong emotion * an intense emotion * a powerful emotion * a negative emotion * a useless emotion * a pleasant emotion To find more examples, do a Google search for "a * emotion" with the quotes.

How much of your communication is tone of voice?

Tone of voice is an effective way of conveying an emotion. However, lots of communication does not even involve the voice. For example, this answer that I am typing has no voice and no tone of voice. If I want to I can include some kind of symbol to stand for a tone of voice. ; )

What is the noun for fury?

The word 'fury' is a noun, a word for a feeling of intense, unrestrained anger, or the quality of being wild or turbulent; a word for an emotion or a condition.

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what is concept of community health?

Why use emotional diction?

Using words related to emotion to express how you feel allows others to hear you confirm your feelings verbally. It allows for more productive or complete communication.

What is extreme emotion?

extreme emotion is more than a normal emotion, or emotional,

Does emotion depend on culture?

Emotion can be influenced by culture and culture can be influenced by emotion.

What is the opposite word for emotion?

no emotion

What is the basic forms of communication?

The most common form of communication is verbal communication. This consists of the words we say and the words we write. This breaks down into oral verbal communication and written verbal communication. Oral communication, the words we speak to one another, can be a powerful tool used to convey a wide range of emotions including joy, anger and sadness. Written verbal communication consists of the words we write in the form of letters, emails and text messages. We must be careful when using written verbal communication because the person receiving the message may misinterpret the emotion or intent behind the words they are reading.