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hemerroids, scabies...std's stis

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2d ago

A disease that could affect the gluteus maximus is gluteal tendinopathy, which is a condition characterized by pain and inflammation in the tendons that attach the gluteus maximus muscle to the hip bone. This can result from overuse, injury, or degeneration of the tendon. Physical therapy and stretching exercises are common treatments for this condition.

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Q: What is a disease that could effect the gluteus maximus?
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What is the name of the muscle in the buttocks?

The main muscle in the buttocks is the gluteus maximus. There are two other muscles in the buttocks as well - the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus - that help with various movements of the hip and thigh.

What event could disrupt one or more body system?

The event that could disrupt the body systems is hitting your glutieus maximus too hard

Do gastric cause vomiting Abdominal pain Throat problems And vomiting too I suffering plus i have anxiety Could be the effect of over thinking?

Gastric reflux disease, acid reflux disease, or reflux can cause the following: Ssore throat (odynophagia) Increased salivation Nausea Chest pain Coughing

What disease can kill you in 2 weeks?

Depression, technically it is now considered a disease and could cause being suicidal therefore could kill in 2 weeks. My point is any disease could kill you in 2 weeks depending on it's effects on you. Many disease cause problems that could lead to death eg osgood schlatters (the bone growing faster than the muscle, basically extreme growing pains) can cause weakness in the legs which could cause falling over. If you fell and hit your head you could die. No disease is guaranteed to kill you in 2 weeks but and disease could kill you in 2 weeks. Bu that's not what you wanted me to say so to make you happy, lung disease could kill you within 2 weeks if you were run down as pneumonia can be caused by lung disease

What is a host of a disease?

If a host has been infected with a pathogen then theoretically they are a carrier as the infection could spread to others

Related questions

What is the name of the muscle in the buttocks?

The main muscle in the buttocks is the gluteus maximus. There are two other muscles in the buttocks as well - the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus - that help with various movements of the hip and thigh.

What could cause chronic lower back pain directly on the vertebrae right above where the gluteus maximus muscle starts L5?

!. Ligamentous strain 2. Interspinous ligament tear 3. L4 or 5 compression fracture 4. Fracture of the spinous process

How many people could the circus maximus could seat?

The Circus Maximus could seat 60,000 people and later enlarged it to almost 200,000.

Which is the laziest muscle in the body?

The gluteus set of muscles are used only to sit down on, so they could probably be considered the laziest set of muscles in the entire body.

Circus Maximus was an oval arena that could seat approximately people.?


Could the Roman Circus Maximus hold up to a quarter million people?


What are facts about the Circus Maximus?

Over 250,00 people could fit in the Circus Maxuimes.

What are facts about circus Maximus?

Over 250,00 people could fit in the Circus Maxuimes.

What is a Decumanus Maximus?

The word "decumanus" refers to taxing of the provincials. It could also refer to the tax farmer himself. (Tax farmers were those who collected taxes for the government). A decumanus maximus, depending upon how the words were used in a sentence, could mean the maximum tax or the tax farmer who was the most successful, as maximus connoted the biggest or the greatest.The word "decumanus" refers to taxing of the provincials. It could also refer to the tax farmer himself. (Tax farmers were those who collected taxes for the government). A decumanus maximus, depending upon how the words were used in a sentence, could mean the maximum tax or the tax farmer who was the most successful, as maximus connoted the biggest or the greatest.The word "decumanus" refers to taxing of the provincials. It could also refer to the tax farmer himself. (Tax farmers were those who collected taxes for the government). A decumanus maximus, depending upon how the words were used in a sentence, could mean the maximum tax or the tax farmer who was the most successful, as maximus connoted the biggest or the greatest.The word "decumanus" refers to taxing of the provincials. It could also refer to the tax farmer himself. (Tax farmers were those who collected taxes for the government). A decumanus maximus, depending upon how the words were used in a sentence, could mean the maximum tax or the tax farmer who was the most successful, as maximus connoted the biggest or the greatest.The word "decumanus" refers to taxing of the provincials. It could also refer to the tax farmer himself. (Tax farmers were those who collected taxes for the government). A decumanus maximus, depending upon how the words were used in a sentence, could mean the maximum tax or the tax farmer who was the most successful, as maximus connoted the biggest or the greatest.The word "decumanus" refers to taxing of the provincials. It could also refer to the tax farmer himself. (Tax farmers were those who collected taxes for the government). A decumanus maximus, depending upon how the words were used in a sentence, could mean the maximum tax or the tax farmer who was the most successful, as maximus connoted the biggest or the greatest.The word "decumanus" refers to taxing of the provincials. It could also refer to the tax farmer himself. (Tax farmers were those who collected taxes for the government). A decumanus maximus, depending upon how the words were used in a sentence, could mean the maximum tax or the tax farmer who was the most successful, as maximus connoted the biggest or the greatest.The word "decumanus" refers to taxing of the provincials. It could also refer to the tax farmer himself. (Tax farmers were those who collected taxes for the government). A decumanus maximus, depending upon how the words were used in a sentence, could mean the maximum tax or the tax farmer who was the most successful, as maximus connoted the biggest or the greatest.The word "decumanus" refers to taxing of the provincials. It could also refer to the tax farmer himself. (Tax farmers were those who collected taxes for the government). A decumanus maximus, depending upon how the words were used in a sentence, could mean the maximum tax or the tax farmer who was the most successful, as maximus connoted the biggest or the greatest.

What could you see in circus maximus?

The Circus Maximus was Rome's main race track. You would see horse races and chariot races. Circus was the Latin word for race track.

Where would Romans go to watch chariot races?

Chariot races were held at a circus. In Rome the main Chariot Racing circus was the Circus Maximus, which, after the enlargement by Julius Caesar, could hold 250,000 people.Chariot races were held at a circus. In Rome the main chariot racing circus was the Circus Maximus, which, after the enlargement by Julius Caesar, could hold 250,000 people.Chariot races were held at a circus. In Rome the main chariot racing circus was the Circus Maximus, which, after the enlargement by Julius Caesar, could hold 250,000 people.Chariot races were held at a circus. In Rome the main chariot racing circus was the Circus Maximus, which, after the enlargement by Julius Caesar, could hold 250,000 people.Chariot races were held at a circus. In Rome the main chariot racing circus was the Circus Maximus, which, after the enlargement by Julius Caesar, could hold 250,000 people.Chariot races were held at a circus. In Rome the main chariot racing circus was the Circus Maximus, which, after the enlargement by Julius Caesar, could hold 250,000 people.Chariot races were held at a circus. In Rome the main chariot racing circus was the Circus Maximus, which, after the enlargement by Julius Caesar, could hold 250,000 people.Chariot races were held at a circus. In Rome the main chariot racing circus was the Circus Maximus, which, after the enlargement by Julius Caesar, could hold 250,000 people.Chariot races were held at a circus. In Rome the main chariot racing circus was the Circus Maximus, which, after the enlargement by Julius Caesar, could hold 250,000 people.

What were shops selling in the Circus Maximus before the Great Fire?

They sold nothing in the Circus Maximus, but around it. There were arcades and wooden stalls surrounding t. Everything from fast food to prostitution could be bought there. The outside could be likened to our present day shopping malls.