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Aside from the shape of the free edge, what is the difference between the oval-shape nail and the round-shape nail?

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Q: What is a disorder when the nails grow concave rather than convex?
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What causes concave nails?


What is the cure for clubbing of the nails?

Clubbing of the nails are indicative of an underlying disorder. There is no cure for clubbing of the nails, but the underlying cause can be treated.

Can you do a manicure on really short nails?

Eggshell nails is a disorder in which the fingernails are very thin and fragile. It is not recommended that a manicure be done on them.

What is eggshell nail disorder?

Eggshell nail disorder is where a persons finger nails (toe nails could be affected too I suppose) are thin, flexible, white, and curve over the edge of the finger. The nails are also much more fragile than normal ones, which is one of the reasons they're known as 'eggshell nails.' It's caused by poor diet, some medications, and genetic factors.

What would a girl rather have as a gift?

Well if your a girlie girl who likes to do there nails probably a manicure ( i think that is what is called) kit to do there nails when ever

What is the treatment for eggshell nails?

Eggshell nails are very thin and fragile. This condition causes your nail to curve dramatically over the tip of your finger. Eggshell nails may be caused by medication, diet or even a nervous disorder.

How can you tell the sex of an turtle?

yes,though difrent turtles have difrent clues to whether its male or female for example some sliders can be told they are male or female because the male has freakishly long nails and a long tail while the female has short nails and a short tail.The differences between male and female turtles of most different types are the sizes, stomachs, and tail.A male turtle has a concave stomach, which means that its underneath side will cave in slightly. A femaile turtle has a convex stomach, which means that the stomach sticks out more than a male's to hold the eggs.

Is titanium used in work nails?

Unlikely. Titanium is rather expensive due to it's light qualities, and it is not necessary to have these qualities in work nails. I suggest steel would be their material.

How do you know if a boxing turtle is a female or a male?

Female turtles have a flat bottom shell. Male turtles have a concave bottom shell. This is necessary for reproduction. ALSO- the nails.... boys have lLONG nails and females have short-er nails... also the tail, the girls is usually fatter and the boys is usually skinnier and longer..

What reaction do nails and vinegar create?

If referring to the effect of vinegar on finger and toe nails, vinegar is used to cure fungus. It can also weaken the enamel of the nail due to the acidity of the liquid.

Why do dogs have nails?

Since the nails are curved the correct name is claws rather than nails. They have claws for a variety of reasons with the main ones being: defense, to help hold down prey, and for digging purposes.

What are symptoms of a hypothyroid disorder?

Hypothyroid symptoms develop slowly over time. People with the disorder may notice themselves becoming unusually weak and tired. They might also experience dry skin and nails, constipation and, for women, heavier than normal periods.