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A doctor that specialises in children is called a paediatrician. The Doctor Who specializes in Diabetes is a nephrologist.

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Q: What is a doctor called that studies child growth and diabetes?
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Do human growth hormone releasers work?

Human growth hormones are hotly debated. There are studies on this that argue both sides. It is best to consult with a doctor before use.

What is a doctor who specializes in kid and teen growth problems called?

A Pediatrician.

What types of studies are most famous in growth and development research?

The types of studies that are most famous in growth and development research are longitudinal

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I saw tremendous growth in your reading ability once you started working with a tutor. The studies show that this new fertilizer accelerates plant growth better than anything else on the market. Good nutrition is critical to a child's growth and development. Due to the tumor's rapid growth, the doctor wants to remove it right away.

Who studies and predicts population growth?

Demographers study demographics, including population growth.

Who studies growth and reproduction of cells?

cell biologist

If a women has gestational diabetes how early can a doctor induce labor?

It depends on the weight of your baby. If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, your baby's growth will be more closely monitored than if you had a normal pregnancy. The main risk with gestational diabetes is a baby that gains too much weight in the womb due to increased sugar in the blood. If your baby is measuring too big, your doctor may induce labor around 37-38 weeks. Waiting any longer can cause delivery complications and increase the need for a c-section.

Can a diabetic take endothial?

You are right to be cautious about adding elements to your diet when you have diabetes. Endothial is a supplement to aid muscle growth. It is not FDA approved, but there are anecdotal comments on the web. As always, check with your doctor to see if there are any contraindications for adding it.

What scientist studies growth and reproduction of cells?

Cell Biologist

What hormone is required for the growth of the larynx?

From the studies I have read, it seems that both testosterone(particularly the DHT form) and growth hormone are responsible for larynx growth.

What is the medical definition of a growth hormone deficiency?

The medical term for a growth hormone deficiency is called Hypopituitarism Endocrinology. 1 in 4,000 children born are affected. The growth hormone deficiency can cause a cleft palate, electrolyte imbalances, delayed puberty, obesity that is not from overeating, ear problems, diabetes and joint pain can be possible.

What do you call a person who studies population?

A scientist who studies the growth and density of populations and their vital statistics is known as a demographist!