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Q: What is a drug resembling caffeine that dilated blood vessels?
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What is the medical term meaning growth and development of blood vessels?

The term for new formation of blood vessels is angiogenesis.

What are Telangiectases?

Spidery red skin lesions caused by dilated blood vessels

What is a bloodshot eye?

An eye in which the small blood vessels are dilated, giving the white of it a red appearance.

Why should not coffee for pregnant lady?

Coffee has caffeine which can constrict blood vessels and alter the blood-flow to the fetus.

What is couperose?

Couperose is a condition where the skin appears red due to the presence of small, dilated red blood vessels visible on the face.

What causes a throbbing headache?

A headache is caused by the swelling of blood veins/vessels in the head, obviously. This excessive swelling causes pressure on the brain since the swelling is above normal. In turn, the more dilated your blood vessels are, the more pressure there is inside your head. Which causes the headache. Now, everyone is familiar with the drug caffeine. Caffeine is actually very effective in releaving headache pain. This is because the dilated veins are constricted back to a normal size by the caffeine, in turn decreasing the effects of the headache. Hope this helps..

Is imitrex an opiate?

Imitrex (sumatriptan) is not an opiate medication. It relieves pain by acting on neurotransmitters in the brain to reduce inflammation and constrict dilated blood vessels.

Harry faints due to transient vascular shock Explain why he fainted?

blood vessels dilated causing blood to "pool" instead of returning to the heart, thus lowering blood pressure and blood oxygen level, resulting in fainting.

Which antianginal drug cause coronary steal?

Hydralazine is an example of a drug that can elicit the coronary steal phenomenon by dilating the healthy epicardial coronary vessels and "stealing" blood from the already maximally dilated endocardial vessels.

What kind of skin lesion is a telangiectasia?

Small, dilated blood vessels that appear close to the surface of the skin. Telangiectasia is often a symptom of such diseases as rosacea or scleroderma.

What can I do to get better from migraines?

During a migraine, your blood vessels in your brain constrict, causing pain. Avoid food that raises your blood pressure. Caffeine usually helps with the pain.

How does caffeine constrict blood vessels?

Caffeine has vasoconstrictionproperties.Vasoconstriction is the narrowing of the blood vessels resulting from contraction of the muscular wall of the vessels, particularly the large arteries, small arterioles and veins. The process is the opposite of vasodilation, the widening of blood vessels.Caffeine readily crosses the blood-brain barrier that separates the bloodstream from the interior of the brain. Once in the brain, the principal mode of action is as a nonselective antagonist of adenosine receptors. The caffeine molecule acts as as a competitive inhibitor.The evidence also indicates that brain adenosine acts to protect the brain by suppressing neural activity and also by increasing blood flow through A2A and A2B receptors located on vascular smooth muscle.By counteracting adenosine, caffeine reduces resting cerebral blood flow between 22% and 30%.