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Q: What is a earth-shaped stone with crystals inside?
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What is a earth shaped stone with crystals inside?


What is a sentence for geode?

A geode is a hollow stone found on the earth that is lined on the inside with crystals.

What is Terr?

Geo and terr mean earth. So if you want to know what a geode is, it's an EARTH shaped stone with crystals inside. etc

What is a mineral with crystals inside?

The rock with crystals inside in can be igneous rock, but no, idk about the minerals.

What is geo terr?

Geo and terr mean earth. So if you want to know what a geode is, it's an EARTH shaped stone with crystals inside. etc

What moves ice crystals inside a cloud?

Ice crystals inside of clouds are moved by circulating wind currents.

What is an earth-shaped stone with crystals inside?

It is a geode. Geodes form in gas bubbles in cooled porous lava flows. Groundwater provides the minerals that crystallize inside these hollow bubbles. Eventually erosion removes the lava rock that provided the mold that shaped the outside of the geode and then humans find them (and usually cut or crack them open to look at the crystals inside).

Why the pyrite stone is cube shapes?

Yes, pyrite does form cubic crystals. Pyrite can form different types of crystals, including, cuboid crystals, raspberry-like framboids, T-shaped crystals, and dodecahedral crystals.

What is a sentence with the word geode?

Geode is a rock or stone with crystals.

Is crystal a precious stone?

It depends. All gemstones other than pearls and opals are crystals, but most crystals are not gemstones.

Would crystals would be more likely to be formed inside earth or outside earth?

Crystals are more likely formed inside the earth because the crystals length is dependent on the time it takes to cool. On the outside of the earth it is much cooler than the inside of the earth, so crystals don't have time to form after they have reached the surface.

What is a good sentence with the word geode?

Geode is a rock or stone with crystals.