

What is a egyptians daily life?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: What is a egyptians daily life?
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Egyptians are doing rituals, even sacrifices to pay respect and honor to their Gods in their daily life. This is because they believe that catastrophes and natural calamities are caused by the Gods.

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the remarkable thing about the tomb is that it helped scholars learn about daily life of Egyptians and ext.

How does religion affect the Egyptian daily life?

Egyptian daily life- If their heart was heavy with sin, the people could not pass on to the after life, so the egyptians tried to do very little sin. -The egyptians would perform scarifices and pray dailyI hope this helps, will improve answer when I find more information.(I'm doing a research project right now)(\__/)( O.o )C(")(")

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The Nile affected the daily lives of Egyptians in many ways. For an example, everyday, when they were to take a bath the Egyptians went to Nile to cleanse themselves, as only the noblemen could afford actual showers and bathrooms. The Egyptians also went to the Nile to wash their clothes and dishes as well. The Nile was also referred to, when the people became thirsty and needed water to quench their thirst.

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it would kill them

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it would kill them

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Bread and Beer were the usaul meal