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Q: What is a extension line in engineering drawing?
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What is a leader line in engineering drawing?

A leader line is a thin line on a design or blueprint that is used to connect a dimension line with a particular area or point on the drawing.

What is a line with an arrowhead at each end?

in engineering drawing, a line with an arrow at each end is called a dimension line

What is the alphabet of lines according to weight?

Line weights, or the varying line thicknesses used in engineering drawing, are essential in creating a drawing that communicates efficiently.

What is the importance of curves in engineering drawing?

it is worthless in engineering drawing.

When was Texas Engineering Extension Service created?

Texas Engineering Extension Service was created in 1919.

Why is drawing considered the language of engineering?

Any engineering object/task/product can be best demonstrated by drawing. Being general, not only engineering products, drawing helps understanding everything in science. However, drawing is used a lot in engineering specially, mechanical, cibvil, manufacturing, design etc branches. An engineer must be smart in drawing (understanding drawing & prepare drawing) to have sound reach in the material. Drawing is one of the languages of engineering. The other is mathematics.

What is engineering drawing profile?

A drawing of the object in scale.

Define the term map as used in engineering drawing?

= Define the term map as used in engineering drawing?" =

What does drafting mean in Engineering Drawing?

Drafting means actually drawing the drawing.

What is the Role of engineering drawing in electronics engineering?

Electronics engineering mainly deals with things like power,machines etc. And role of engineering drawing in electronics engineering can be defined as for making blue prints of the model.

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