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An ancestor is a family member that lived along time ago.

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Q: What is a family member that lived along time ago?
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I'm sure your family doesn't hate you. They may dislike you for the time being, or may not agree with your decisions in your life, but for family to truly hate another member of their family it has to be extreme. Even with extreme behavior, it is very rare that family members would truly hate another family member. I suggest you sit down and talk to your family and find out why they are upset with you and see what you can do to mend the situation.

Who lived long time all alone on a island?

swiss family robinson

Members of your family who lived a long time before you?

They are your forebearers or ancestors.

Family of origin?

Family of origin is the place were we learn to be who we are. Basically it is the family we lived with as a child. This includes but not limited to parents, siblings, grandparents and step-parents. It is anyone who you lived and grew up at any time and point in your childhood.