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A) Restaurant foods must provide nutrient content information on the menu

B) The term "fresh" can be used only for raw and moderately processed food

C) Nutrition labeling is not required on foods produced by small businesses or products produced and sold in the same establishment

D) Nutrition labeling must appear on virtually all processed as well as fresh foods

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Q: What is a feature of US laws governing information on food labels?
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Related questions

Do all food packaging have labels?

Yes, all food packaging must have labels, which should include information about the ingredients, nutritional values, and other information related to the food.

What information is required on food labels?

Most of it

What are labels on food products that display what nutrients the food contains called?

Labels on food products that display what nutrients the food contains are called nutritional facts labels or nutrition information panels.

When transporting food off-site how should information such as reheating instructions be communicated to off-site staff?

labels on food

How did you get information about the food in the vending machine?

The nutritional information is printed on the labels.

What are Labels on food products that display what nutrients the food contains?

They are called Nutrition Fact Labels or Nutrition Information Panels

When transporting food off site how should information be communicated to off site staff?

Labels on food

Where can I go to find out more information about food labels?

There is always the food labeling guide. or just observe when you are buying food or going through your cupboards. Or you could always go as far as asking companies for a copy of the labels.

What information did the US food and drug administration begin requiring on food labels in 2006?

grams of trans fatty acid

Why is FPO written on food labels?

FOP stands for "Front of Pack, " which contains nutritional information.

Labels on food products to tell you the new trans of the food contents are called?

Labels on food products that tell you the new trans fat of the food contents are called food nutrition labels.

What branch of your government is in charge of food labels?

The Food and Drug Administration is in charge of food labels in the United States.