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a federal system of goverment that is designed to do is to divide powers between the states and the federal government

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Q: What is a federal system of government designed to do?
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Federal system of government!!

This is the system of government designed by the writers of the constitution it is a union of states under a central government?

Federal System of Government(NovaNet)

What is federal system?

Federal system is a dual government system in which nation is divided into different states and single central government .

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The US Constitution established the Federal system of government. The best way to describe the Federal system of government is that it is a shared power of government between the nation and the states.

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a federal government system

In what kind of government system is the national government subordinate to the states?

The power-sharing between a central government and those of the individual states is a federal government.

The federal system political systems?

The federal system political system is divided between the national government and regional government. The united states is a federal republic.

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the federal system controls most or all the power of government and the unitary system one in which all government is derived form the central government.

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How is authority shared in a federal system

What is the federal system?

A system that divided powers between the states and the federal government.