

What is a female bee called as?

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11y ago

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The femal bee is called the drones or the worker queen!

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Q: What is a female bee called as?
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What is a male and female bee?

A male bee is called a drone and an infertile female bee is called a worker. There will also be one fertile female bee in a colony - the queen.

What is a female bee that lays eggs called?

She is called the Queen Bee.

What is the name of a female bee worker?

The male workers are called 'drones', females are simply called 'female worker bees'.

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A worker bee i gues

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A male bee is called a drone. A female bee is either a queen or a worker (infertile female).

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Male honeybees are called drones. Female honeybees are called workers. Additionally, the Queen Bee is a female.

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There are two different types of female honey bee. The majority of bees in a colony are workers - infertile females. There is only one fertile female in the colony - the queen.

Opposite of queen bee?

The queen bee is female, so are all worker bees. The male bees are called drones.

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Within a bee colony only the queen will lay eggs. The worker bees are all female but do not lay eggs. The male bees are called drones.

What is a female bee called?

A female bee is called a queen or worker. Male bees are drones (their sole responsibility is to mate with the queen).

What ia female bee called?

The female bees are either queens or workers -- and there will only be one queen in each colony.

What is it called when a worker honey bee gives up the opportunity to pass along its genes?

A worker honey bee cannot pass on its genes because it is an infertile female.