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A female sugar glider.

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Q: What is a female sugar glider called?
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What is female sugar glider called?

A female sugar glider.

What happens when old female sugar glider and young male sugar glider breed?

If the female lasts long enough, she could give birth to a sugar glider.

How are sugar gliders made?

By a male and female sugar glider that breed together, your product is a baby sugar glider also know as a joey ;)

How much does a female sugar glider weigh?

Female sugar gliders average 110 g in weight.

I have a sugar glider, what do you think its gender is ( I know! )?

The answer is girl/female !

How do you identify a male sugar glider?

The male sugar glider has a longer, more "stringy" tail and the female usually has a bigger underbelly ( for storing eggs).

What is the membrane called on a sugar glider?

whats the name of the membrane on a suger glider

What is the difference between a girl sugar bear and a boy sugar bear?

Sugar bears are actually sugar gliders. Female sugar gliders have a pouch, whereas male sugar gliders do not. Male sugar gliders have "poms", whereas female sugar gliders do not. Also, the male sugar glider, if unneutered, will develop a bald spot upon his head, whereas the female sugar glider does not develop a bald spot.

What is the structure that enables the sugar glider move?

The skin membrane that enables the sugar glider to glide between high objects is called the patagium.

Is the sugar glider a marsupialia?

The sugar glider is a marsupial

What it means when your female glider hisses?

By glider, are you referring to the sugar glider? IF so, hissing can have multiple meanings. Hissing can be a form of communication between sugar gliders, but it can also have other meanings. It could be a sign of fear, if the sugar glider is scared. It could also be indicative of problems, depending upon what the glider is doing while hissing (ie. if she is urinating while hissing, this is a sign of a UTI). Also, some female gliders hiss a lot while in heat.

Can a baby female sugar glider be put with a 4 year old sugar glider?

Putting sugar gliders of the same sex and different ages is not a good idea. You should pair sugar gliders when they are young and both the same sex or if male and female they should be neutered otherwise gliders have a tendency to reproduce like crazy.