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a projectile?

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A projectile is a fired, thrown, or otherwise propelled object that is intended to hit a target. Examples of projectiles include bullets, arrows, and cannonballs.

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Q: What is a fired thrown or otherwise propelled object?
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What does scientific difference between a song shoot and a brick is it the speed of the ball of the spin order arch?

I do not know what a "song shoot" is, but I will attempt to generically answer the second half of the question in regards to a brick compared to anything else. If a brick is thrown/fired/shot, it will have a different aerodynamic drag that anything that doesn't have the same shape. If a brick thrown/fired/shot with the same force as a lighter object, the brick will have a lower speed. If the speed of the two objects are the same, the brick required more force than the lighter object. If a brick thrown/fired/shot at the same angle as another object, the arch will be the same, as acceleration is independant of mass.

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What is one true statement about Rocket Propelled Grenades RPGs?

They are similar to shoulder fired rockets.

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If you are talking about after its fired, its controlled by nothing. It is a fire and forget system.