

What is a fishes weakest sense?

Updated: 12/4/2022
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Q: What is a fishes weakest sense?
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The turkey's sense of smell is its weakest sense. Turkey's have excellent sight and hearing. They use these senses to make up for their weak sense of smell.

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please flag this question it does not make any sense.

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Sight. Cats are good at seeing at night but not great during the day

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Well, no. But as many other animals, they might be able to sense them.

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Can you blow fishes eardrums?

Fish do not have tympanic membranes. They sense sounds and vibrations with the lateral line.

What could happen to if a fishes lateral line gets damaged?

They will not be able to sense any movement on that side.

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Please state what kind of learning that we are weakest? Weakest learning in what? If you meant it on the weakest learning in Subject then my weakest learning is my Algebra and calculus.