

What is a fixed expenditure?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: What is a fixed expenditure?
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What is an fixed expenditure?

fixed expenditure is what we will defiantly spend money on

If a capital expenditure is treated as a revenue expenditure then?

Now, if a capital expenditure is treated as a revenue expenditure, then the expenses would be overstated and also the Fixed assets would be overstated

What is capital expenditure?

It is an expenditure in order to upgread or capitalize the fixed asset .this can be expressed either by extending the future expected life or by capitalizing the fixed asset cost.

Is the cost of a building a fixed asset?

Capital Expenditure.

Another name for a capital expenditure is?

Fixed assets.

How to record a new roof in Quickbooks?

Record the entire expenditure as a Fixed Asset. Then use the Fixed Asset Manager to amortize the expense.

Is petty cash a fixed cost?

No, petty cash is a control account not an expenditure account.

What are the accounting cycles?

1) Revenue 2) Expenditure 3) Conversion 4) Fixed Assets

What is the formula to find capital expenditure in the financial statements?

Beg. Net Fixed Assets - End. Net fixed Assets - Depreciation Expense= CAPEX

Where does capital expenditures fit in balance sheet?

Capital expenditure are those type of expenditure the benefits of which are taken in more then one years by the business entity. So according to this all fixed assets are capital expenditures and fixed assets are shown at asset side of balance sheet.

Where would The capital expenditure would appear on?

The capital expenditure would appear on the balance sheet of a company. It is typically listed under the category of "Property, Plant, and Equipment" or "Fixed Assets."

Is payment of wages to employees capital or revenue expenditure?

Payment of wages is classified as a normal running cost of a business, so is stated under revenue expenditure. I got really confused with this one aswell. Anything that is paid regularly and is not a fixed asset or any costs associated with a fixed asset, is capital e.g machinery, improvement, legal fees, delivery. Therefore wages is revenue expenditure, hope this helps.