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Q: What is a flea's way of life categorized as?
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Christianity is categorized as the Christian religion, which is founded on the life and teachings of Jesus.

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What do you call a rabbit with fleas?

Fleas on a rabbit are just called fleas, and a rabbit with fleas is just called a rabbit with fleas. If your rabbit has fleas, the safest way to treat it is to take the rabbit to a vet.

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How do you make sure there are no fleas on your dog?

use a flea comb to get rid of fleas on you dog. If you want also you can use dog shampoo ang get rid of fleas that way.

What is the best care for rabbits with fleas?

The best way to care for a rabbit with fleas is to ask the vet for the Advantage brand monthly treatment for fleas. Many other kinds of monthly topical applications for fleas are harmful, but Advantage is not.

What are the best ways to control fleas?

The best way to control fleas is to make sure that the animal is clear of fleas before you clear the fleas in the house. Then use botanical acid mixed with borate acid to clear then from the house.

Are fleas incomplete or complete?

yes because they have a life cycle

Do water fleas life in the water or on the water?

No, I don't think they can.

What's the best way apart from using Frontline to rid your dog of unwanted fleas?

One other way besides Frontline to get rid of fleas is to use PetArmor.

Herbal help for pets fleas?

To help get rid of/keep away fleas, feed your animal garlic. This is a natural way to keep away fleas and it doesn't make your pet sick.

What kills fleas On dog?

Fleas are really common. Dogs can get fleas from other dogs, cats and grass. Identify where you think they got fleas from and stop this, so they don't keep getting fleas. You have to treat carpets, sofas and the whole house if the infestation is quite bad. Hoovering is the best way to get rid of most fleas and their eggs. Fleas lay eggs in crack and gaps so concentrate on these areas. Medication for getting rid of fleas on the dog will only work if you solve the carpet/sofa issue. You can get drops to put on the back of the dogs neck. These are really effective because it doesn't kill the fleas - it means the eggs the fleas lay won't survive, so you break the life-cycle. Flea shampoos are not effective - normal water and soap will kill fleas. Pills for fleas are also not recommended as they only kill the fleas that are on the dog - not in the carpets. If these methods don't work, get an exterminator in to gas the whole house!