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A floating quotation is a quote that is not introduced or attributed to a speaker, making it unclear where the quoted words come from. It can create confusion for readers as it lacks proper context or attribution within the text.

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Q: What is a floating quotation?
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What do you need to do to avoid a floating quotation?

introduce and provide context for each quotation

How do you control transport costs?

By negotiating the rate, or by floating the quotation.

January 27 quotations of the day?

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What is the plural of quotation?

The plural of "quotation" is "quotations."

What punctuation is used to show someone speaking?

Dialogue punctuation is the punctuation you use when writing dialogue in, persay, a story. For example: "The dog is sleeping quietly on the rug," said Marie. The dialogue punctuations are the " " (quotation marks) and the , (comma).

What is the definition of an embedded quotation?

An embedded quotation is a quotation that is worked into the sentence that contains it.

Where do you put a period at the end of quotation marks or in the quotation marks?

In the quotation marks.

What is the name of the ... symbol?

It's a quotation mark.

What is the rule for writing a quotation within a quotation?

Use single quotation marks to indicate a quote within a quote.If you're using a quote that contains a quote you'll need to surround the embedded quote with single quotation marks.

What does a quotation always start with?

a quotation mark!!

How do you use the word already in quotation marks?

If a word is in quotation marks, and you're quoting it, use single quotation marks to indicate an embedded quotation.

When is it okay not to use quotation marks with a quotation?

Never. You should always have quotation marks sorrounding a quote.